A loan helped a member to buy fabrics such as wax veils after they have been sewn.

10_ Bargny Kip Group's story

This banc villageois was established in September 2013. It is made up of brave women active in sewing and retail commerce.

Madame Marème is married. She is 29 years old and the mother of one girl. She has been active in sewing and the sales of various outfits. This loan will allow her to buy fabrics such as wax veils after they have been sewn. She will resell them at her shop. She has been working in this sector for 15 years. Her profits will allow her to increase her savings and her merchandise.

In this group: Mareme , Marieme , Mame Khar , Aissatou , Astel Aby , Fatoumata , Khady , Dieynaba , Awa, Soda , Oumy , Aissatou , Mame Issa , Binta

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Suzanne McCoskey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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