A loan helped to buy more cows to develop the business.

Liudmila's story

Liudmila is a 46 year-old woman from the village of Sofrincani, Edinet region of Moldova. She is married and has two daughters, who are already grown and make her life happier. She and her husband live in their own house.
Liudmila works in agriculture. She is a very hardworking woman. She works every day to provide for her family. She raises three cows on the farm next to the house. She sells the dairy products to the villagers and to the market in town. In addition, Liudmila farms with her husband. They work 2 ha of land where they grow cereals. The harvest is used as animal feed.
Now Liudmila wants to buy 2 cows to expand her business. But not having enough money, she decided to ask for a loan from Kiva. As a result, Liudmila will be able to buy the cows. Her income from dairy products will increase, which will help her improve her living conditions.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

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