A loan helped to cover his second academic year's tuition fee in order to continue studying at university.

Davit's story

Davit is a 19-year-old student from Tbilisi, who lives with his parents. The family and Davit himself are trying their best to finance his education and his future. Unfortunately, university expenses are becoming hard for them to pay due to low monthly income.

He studies at the faculty of business and technologies and wants to continue his attempts to gain a bachelor's degree.

At this moment, he needs 2,300 GEL in order to cover the second-year tuition payment.

The loan will be a great support for Davit and his family, as this will allow them to face this problem and challenge.

Davit is looking forward to be supported by Kiva lenders.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details