A loan helped to buy maize seeds and fertilizers.

Kameri Ole's story

Kameri Ole Npuumei is 42 years old, married to Ndama and blessed with seven children. Kameri has been farming for the last 23 years. His farm is in a productive area which has proved to be good for maize farming.

Kameri learned about KADET LTD through a marketing campaign done by KADET staff in his area of residence. This will be his second loan, which he is planning to use to buy maize seeds and fertilizers for the planting season. Kameri hopes to use the profit from this loan to educate his children and to acquire more land for farming to increase his maize production. In the future, he plans to practice large scale farming, buy land and build a permanent home. Kameri is a rigorous man who can do more if supported financially.

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