A loan helped to pay for tuition fees so she can continue studying for her law degree.

Nia's story

Nia is a very ambitious, hard-working young woman who is working to get a bachelor's degree in law. She finds it very interesting and wants to find a job in that field as soon as she finishes her studies.

Nia lives with her husband. Both of them are working to achieve a better future and life, but for this young couple, it is very hard to pay tuition fees along with other family costs.

She needs 4800 GEL to continue studying during her last academic year and graduate.

Nia relies on the goodwill of the lenders and will do her best to get through this life challenge and become a highly educated person, with the great assistance of Kiva lenders.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details