A loan helped to purchase a solar freezer system to improve the conditions of her grocery business.

Merlin's story

Merlin is a 29-year-old entrepreneur who lives in a community in Yoro, Honduras. She lives with her son and has the support of her husband.

With a lot of effort, Merlin has established a small grocery business for the last five years. She lives in a community where they do not have access to electricity service, so the sale of products that need refrigeration has been difficult due to the lack of this service.

It is for this reason that she has decided to request Soluz Honduras for financing to purchase a solar freezer system that will allow her to offer a greater variety of products to her customers and will also be able to generate greater income in her business, improving her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Pelaez.

This loan is special because:

It pays for solar powered refrigerators to improve the quality of life.

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