A loan helped to buy more raw materials in order to continue making food and selling her products.

Rosa Lidia's story

Rosa is 53 years old. She attended school through high school. She is married, and her husband works as a security guard. She has two children who are now independent.

Rosa works selling items such as colas, candies, children's hangers, food and other things. She has worked at this job for five years, and learned it on her own. She has no fixed work hours as she does other things too. Her husband helps her in the business.

Rosa will use the loan to buy more raw materials in order to continue making food and selling her products. Her dream is to be a large-scale entrepreneur, to have more customers, and to improve her earnings.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It enables vulnerable women to start and grow their own business.

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