A loan helped a member to buy bran to feed pigs and poultry.

Thanh Yen 115 Group's story

A woman standing on the left is Mai. She is a 49-year-old widow who lives with her two daughters in a small house. Her daughters are adults and have stable jobs and incomes.

Her main activity is agricultural production which creates the most income to support herself. She has taken eleven loans from the Anh Chi Em program and repaid them successfully.

Currently, she's having a challenge with damage in her rice crop and diseases in the pigs. In order to develop her farming, this time, she has taken the twelfth loan from Anh Chi Em (ACE) program to buy bran for her pigs and poultry. Together with the technical support from agricultural workers from ACE, Mrs. Mai believes this investment will help her pigs and poultry be healthy and develop well.

She will use the profit from this investment to continue to expand her farm. Mrs. Mai hopes her daughters will always be happy and have a better future. This support from Kiva lenders is a great motivation for her.

In this group: Mai, Hieng, Lun

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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