A loan helped a member to purchase charcoal in bulk to sell.

Sagrada Familia Group's story

This group, named Sagrada Familia, is formed by friends and neighbors from the city of Caaguazú, where they all established as a goal to be able to grow, not only economically but also to continue getting training to be able to improve and get ahead.

Aquilina is one of the members, a woman who stands out for the effort she makes and for the desire to improve that she has. She comments that she seeks the way to be able to help her family in everything in her reach and for them not to lack for anything.

She works in sales. Her business consists of selling charcoal and, although her business is humble, her goal is to continue working and, with this, to be able to continue helping sustain her home and family.

She is grateful for the opportunity she is receiving to be able to be part of the group, since it represents help for her to continue improving. She asks for this loan to purchase charcoal in bulk to be able to continue with her sales and, with this, to be able to continue working.

In this group: Clotilde Beatriz, Lucia, Antonia, Loris Aracely, Analia Maribel, Yesica Paola, Maria Lourdes, Nilda Elizabeth, Ana Maria, Clara Isabel, Gloria, Ana Maria, Fatima Raquel, Delsy Rumilda, Alicia Raquel, Claudelina, Justina, Digna, Felicita, Mirian Liliana, Antonia Mabel, Emiliana, Maria Angelina, Maria Del Carmen, Aquilina, Norma Concepcion, Cinthia Elizabeth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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