A loan helped a small family farm support their community through enriching and educational programs.

Jessi's story

After over 10 years of various agricultural experience, from research to being a commercial farm hand to owning my own business. Studying agriculture at Michigan State University and the University of New Hampshire, a new house and two kids later we are finally at a place to expand our business! We have found our dream farm and my dream obsession, Tulips.

One of the biggest challenges farmers face is access to farmland. It has taken us since 2017 to finally find the perfect place for us to build our business.

We have been growing tulips since the beginning but have only grown them for cut flower production. Meaning we never actually see them in bloom. In longing to be able to enjoy the flowers we grow longer and for others to enjoy them as well we discovered that focusing on the agrotourism side of tulip production would be the best of both worlds! It will allow us to grow tulips and enjoy them for several weeks! The best part is we get to share there beauty with our community! I traveled across the country to visit several tulip farms doing exactly what we wanted to do. After my trip I knew it was the right thing to do.

The second hardest thing about farming is that it requires massive capital investments upfront that don’t start to actually seek profits for several months after they need to be purchased. Which is why we are seeking a KIVA loan – to access funds to continue to build our farm that not only supports our community but lifts it up as well.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About JessiWayne farm LLC

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: jessiwaynefarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details