A loan helped to empower her business by buying pandanus and mulberry for her weaving and tapa-making.

Vesita's story

Vesita is 58 years old, and is a widow with three grown-ups. She lives with only her youngest daughter, who is helping her with her business of weaving and making tapas.

Every Saturday, Vesita and her daughter join a group of women in their village to make tapas. Some of the tapas are made with pure soft tapas, and some are made with soft tapas and tapa paper.

As for her weaving, she is doing it at home with her daughter. They weave only taovala, using white pandanus only. When her weaving and tapas are ready, her daughter sells them through the Internet, and from there, they receive more new customers.

Having to join the loan program encouraged Vesita to run and operate her business well without fail. With this loan, she is able to empower her business by buying pandanus and mulberry for her tapa-making and weaving business.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details