A loan helped to buy mulberry for her tapa-making business.

Ingrid's story

This is Ingrid, and she is a mother of five children. Ingrid married a farmer and they live in their own home. She has run this business for more than 10 years, which contributes to improving her family's lives. Once every week, she joins a group of women, and together they make tapas. Her husband and children help Ingrid in preparing her soft tapas for her tapa-making. In the process of making tapas, they make more than one tapa; they design and sell to local and overseas customers.

When she has more available time, she also prepares extra soft tapas and sells out to the women in their group. Ingrid's customer numbers are increasing, and those customers order more tapas. With this loan, she will be able to buy more mulberry to make the amount of tapas that her customers are demanding. Her skill is to meet customer demand; she put this skill into her business so that she will have the trust of the customers.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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