A loan helped a member to buy merchandise to stock her clothing stand.

Las Rosas Group's story

Rosemery is a single mother with two children who attend school. They are her main reason for working to get ahead. She sells clothing at the local market. Her main dream is to be able to open a shop so she can display her merchandise better. To do this she needs to expand her business and obtain working capital to increase her line of products.

She has a jovial, enterprising spirit which has allowed her to be named president of the Las Rosas Group which consists of various friends and acquaintances.

This group is receiving training and financing through Sembrar Sartawi IFD so each of the women can improve her business.

In this group: Maria, Leocadia, Martha, Rosemery, Veronica , Eulogia, Reina , Delia, Risely, Maria , Seleni

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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