A loan helped a member to buy animals at the weekly markets to resell them at the same markets after they have been fattened.

Gpf Diappo Liguey Group's story

Awa is 42 years old and the leader of the Gpf Diappo Liguey group. She is married with three children, all of whom go to school. She is the one sitting on the far left of the photo and holding the goat's rope.

To buy their animals, Awa and her group go to the weekly markets in their community and in the surrounding villages. The animals are also sold at these markets after a few months' rearing.

They make around 100,000 francs after the sale. This will enable them to help their children with schooling, healthcare and sufficient food.

In this area, the difficulties encountered by these women are the loss and sometimes theft of their animals.

In this group: Awa Mbathie, Tabara, Fatou, Bineta, Khady, Mbathie, Thiara, Dagga, Yacine, Ndeye, Fatou, Awa, Khathia, Khoudia, Yacine, Fatime, Sokhna, Marame

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Arleene McFarlane.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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