A loan helped to buy a large quantity of bananas, chickens, feed, vitamins, and vaccines for the chickens.

Maria's story

Maria, 55, is a Maya K’iche entrepreneur, mother of three grown children and grandmother of two. She is very proud of her oldest son who has a university degree. Her second son is about to finish his university studies. The youngest son attended university for a few years and then left for the United States. Maria was only able to attend school for two years because her father did not think that girls needed an education. Instead, Maria worked as a domestic.

She married a bricklayer when she was eighteen years old. For fifteen years, Maria has bought and sold bananas. She has a small stand on the side of the street near her home. She buys a quantity of bananas collaborating with her neighbors and also sells wholesale. Maria also raises chickens in three large pens. She sells live chickens and also butchered ones.

When Maria learned about the Friendship Bridge Bridge to Success program, she took the initiative of visiting the branch office near her home to get more information. She was excited to begin the process of applying to the program. She plans to use half of the Kiva loan to buy more bananas and the other half to buy chickens to fatten up and have ready to sell by the end-of-the-year holidays. In addition, Maria also plans to buy feed, vitamins, and vaccines for the chickens.

In spite of a challenging childhood and limited education, Maria is motivated to succeed. Thank you, Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand!

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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