A loan helped to purchase seeds and to hire a plow so she can start to plant.

Seng's story

Seng L. is 53 years old and a resident of the Kompong Tom province, Cambodia. She is married with six children, two of whom are married. Her husband, Kheil, is 55 years old. He is a local fisherman.

Seng L. makes a living cultivating rice and selling fresh fish in her community. She is currentL. earning around $1.50 a day. She has a few farmlands on which she doesn’t grow any crops yet, and she is going to grow peanuts, but her cash on hand is insufficient to do it. That is why Seng L. is applying for a loan as capital to allow her to purchase seeds and to hire the plowing machine to plow on her farmland so that she can start to plant.

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