A loan helped to complete construction on the finishing work for her kitchen.

Angela's story

Mrs. Ángela sells seasoning. For example, she offers MSG (to flavor foods) and chiles (to grind and give color and spice to minced meat), as well as freeze-dried potatoes, dried potatoes, which accompany different traditional dishes in La Paz, and garlic. She also brings dried peaches that she uses to make soft drinks and blankets to central squares to sell. She travels every Friday to sell her products at a fair in Desaguadero, which is a town on the border with Perú. Many vendors come to this fair from both Perú and Bolivia. She sells her products wholesale, and as retail merchandise in El Alto and in different markets in La Paz. She lives in Alto Miraflores Barrio Ferroviario (her neighborhood) in her own home. Mrs. Ángela does not have any children, and she lives with her husband, who is very responsible. Her goals include improving her life, working hard, and getting along with her neighbors. The money from this loan will be used to buy construction materials to complete the finishing work on her kitchen. She is thankful for the institution for the support they have offered her.

Translated from Spanish.

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