A loan helped a member to buy piglets.

Thanh Luong 158 Group's story

The woman standing on the far right in this photo is La. She is 35 years old and she currently lives in a three-generational family home in a remote area in northwest Vietnam. She does plenty of agricultural work to earn her living, such as cultivating rice, corn and breeding poultry, buffalo, pigs. She has three kids who are school age, so she works very hard to earn money to send her children to school. Therefore, she sometimes also works as a hired laborer to have more income.

Living in a big family, she has to deal with many living expenses, leaving her with no money left to invest in her business. That is why she took this 12th loan to buy piglets to expand her business. She plans to use the profit from this investment to re-invest. She hopes that in the future, her children can eventually attend college and her life will be better. Thank you Kiva lenders for supporting her life.

In this group: La , Nhuan , Thuong , Huong

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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