A loan helped a member to buy seeds, organic and chemical fertilizers, among other products.

Mujeres Guerreras Group's story

Mujeres Guerreras is the name of this committee where all help each other to be able to get ahead and offer their loved ones a dignified life without needs or privations. They are in their third cycle of the women's committee program where all fight tirelessly to be able to cover the needs of their households.

One of them is Natalia who is dedicated to agriculture. She has an orchard where she works every day from early in the morning tending to her crops and says that her goal is to be able to keep working so she can keep supporting her family.

She is a hard-working and sacrificing person who doesn't allow herself to be defeated and despite daily difficulties is seeking a way to be able to overcome and get ahead and thus be able to keep covering her household's needs.

She is requesting this loan to buy seeds, organic and chemical fertilizers, among other products.

Note: The children in the photo are children of the members of the group who signed this loan.

In this group: Marcela, Rocio Paola, Blasida, Leticia Belen, Myrian Estela, Odila Beatriz, Amelia Irene, Hilda Antonia, Carmen Graciela, Gabriela, Rocio Josefa, Silvia Esmeralda, Maria Cristina, Maria Belen, Natalia, Nunila, Maria Estela, Sol Maria, Dionicia, Marciana, Patricia Liliana, Diana Beatriz, Liz Fernanda, Matilde, Fatima

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details