A loan helped to purchase materials for fishing and maintaining the boat.

Maibelyn Mercedes's story

Maibelyn Mercedes and her family live in San Mateo, a beautiful place where the people are humble, hard-working, and make a living by fishing.

Maibelyn is a humble woman who likes to work honorably to earn her own economic resources and support her parents with the costs of their home. This is why, two years ago, she started fishing with the help of her brother. They have a boat where the brother goes out to fish. Maibelyn is in charge of selling the fish to vendors. This loan will help her a lot because it will allow her to continue with her business.

This loan will be used to purchase materials for fishing and maintaining the boat.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Munson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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