A loan helped a member to purchase more herbal products.

Wee Involve Group's story

Regina is a group member of Wee Involve women's group in Port Moresby in National Capital District. She is third from the right, standing at the back.

Regina is 43 years old, married with six children, and living in one of the urban settlements in the city of Port Moresby. She is an informal market woman selling food in one of the city markets and has been in this business for more than 10 years. She recently added to her business, bringing herbal products to her market in the last two years.

She has little knowledge of the English language, but her friends in the group have taught her to understand these products, and what the benefits are to the general health of all genders. She is also using these products, and with her experience, she is an example to her customers.

Her cash flow from her sales of herbal products is promising, and she saved her profits in the bank to enable her to acquire this loan. She will use this loan money to purchase more herbal products to increase her inventory.

She is satisfied with her group members, who support her by referring customers to her when their products are out of stock. She has very good team work and thanks the bank [WMB] for the loan facility.

In this group: Yakom, Kara, Elly, Joyce, Grace, Rondah, Nancy, Luan, Susie, Regina

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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