A loan helped to continue and finish her software engineering degree.

Caroline Denisse's story

Caroline is a student in the software engineering program at UPC. Her father is an animal science engineer and her mother is an oncology nurse. She has two siblings, one older and one younger, neither in higher education.

She chose this program because, from a young age, she understood that technology makes life easier, and she always wanted to learn to implement innovative and creative processes to contribute to different fields. Currently, she dedicates many hours to studying for her degree and tries to manage her time well to finish her work. When she finishes her program, she wants to work developing software to automate bioinformatics and IT project management.

The primary problem she has is the financial factor because, belonging to a moderately sustainable family, she was never able to access a scholarship no matter how much she needed it. This made her work from the age of 16 and, with the experience gotten from various jobs, she found her way to software. For this reason, she asks for the support of Kiva to finish her studies and lead the most important technology products in the world to preserve our biodiversity.

Caroline is gratefully relieved knowing that she can have financial support, and it reinforces her desire to realize her dreams and generate more impact. She wants to tell you the following, "You are a manifestation of humanity and relief. Thank you for contributing hope to the student who struggles for her dreams.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students ensure their studies continuity and attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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