A loan helped to get an aqueduct connection.

Irina's story

Irina is 30 years old and married. She lives in the village and takes care of the children and household. Irina's husband works abroad. Their house is under construction and all the construction workers are paid from the money sent by the husband.

She wants a comfortable home for her family, but the main problem they face with is that the house is not connected to the aqueduct and sewer. Irina does not have a washing machine or a bathroom at the moment. For the domestic animals she brings water from the well that is far away from the house. The financial resources they have at the moment do not allow them to invest in the aqueduct and sewer connection, so that is why Irina comes with a request to Kiva to help her. With the Kiva loan, Irina will have the opportunity to improve the standard of living, to facilitate her daily work, and to have better hygienic conditions for her family.

This loan is special because:

It improves a family’s health through water and sanitation.

Loan details

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