A loan helped to buy shrimp.

Odalis Daniela's story

Odalis Daniela is 25 years old. She is in a common-law relationship. She has two children who are seven and one years old. Her husband is a private employee. They live in San Jacinto, a place known for its beautiful beaches, its varied gastronomy and for its hard-working people dedicated primarily to fishing.
She is a hard-working woman who seeks a way to earn resources and with those, help her husband support the household and their children. She sells shrimp. She buys them from local fishermen and later cleans and sells them to her customers who come to buy products. She also delivers them to restaurants in the area who also request this seafood. This loan is for buying shrimp.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lauren Jackson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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