Sindy is from a rural community of Sololá, in the Guatemalan highlands. She is 33 years old, married, and has 2 children, ages 6 and 12. The older one is in school. Despite her parents' financial limitations, Sindy managed to go to school through secondary school.
To help her family's economic development, Sindy has two businesses. She has a cosmetics store and also sells traditional outfits. Sindy was in a communal bank for some loan cycles and this helped her to improve her business. Now she needs an individual loan to grow her business even more.
For this, she moved to be part of the new program called Puente al Éxito. This program offers individual loans and business development to women such as Sindy, so that their businesses grow and they can offer jobs to other people in their community. Due to the partnership between Kiva and Friendship Bridge, Sindy approaches the Kiva lenders to ask for this loan.
These funds will serve her to purchase a variety of cosmetics to sell and to purchase traditional outfits which her customers request.
Thanks to this business, Sindy can support her children's development. In the future, she wants to study in a beauty program and, so, to be able to develop a new business.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H. View original language description.