A loan helped to buy bigger and better beehives and honey collecting equipment.

El Pedernal Community Bank's story

A squiggly mountain road surrounded by trees and rocky mountain sides will take you through the woods and into a small old-mining community. El Pedernal Community Bank is one such town that has moved from mining into coffee farming and beekeeping with much success.

Working together for the past five years, this community bank has found balance with nature and profitability by adding value to their coffee farms. They have learned that working alongside bees, has made each coffee harvest bountiful and so has been the honey harvest. With beautiful orange trees surrounding the coffee plants, they provide a much needed and beneficial shade, this allows the coffee plants to grow with the upside that the honey produced and harvested by El Pedernal Community Bank has a delicious orange zest smell and taste; a much liked characteristic by many who purchase it.

It is through both activities that each family is able to provide for their own and continue with their labor. Because demand has grown in the past year, they need to increase their productivity and this is why they are looking for their first KIVA loan. They community bank will use the funds to buy bigger and better beehives and honey collecting equipment so as to keep up with the demand. Pictured here are some of El Pedernal Community Bank members.

This loan is special because:

It enables financial inclusion for rural communities through small community banks in Honduras

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details