A loan helped a member to buy 01 bag of millet, 01 bag of corn, and 01 bag of milk.

10_ Fekke Facc Santhiaba Group's story

This banc villageois was set up in September 2015. It is made up of brave, supportive women who are active in small trade. Madame Rokhaya Chantal is married. She is 63 years old and the mother of 06 children. She is active in the processing industry.

Her loan enables her to buy 01 bag of millet, 01 bag of maize and 01 bag of milk. After processing them, she resells them at her home. She has been doing this for 05 years and is very good at it. Her profits enable her to strengthen her business and contribute to household expenses.

In this group: Rokhaya Chantal, Aminata , Khady , Soda , Aminata , Wolimata , Mariama , Aissatou , Dioullite , Aissatou , Aissatou , Sambou , Dieynaba , Ndeye Nancy , Khadidiatou , Khady , Madjiguebe , Adama , Fatoumata

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Axelle Bougouma.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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