A loan helped to buy farming inputs and organic fertilizers to improve this harvest's quality and nutrients.

Eben-Ezer Community Bank's story

Holding true to the meaning of their name "God will provide", Eben-Ezer Community Bank has been working hard for the past 12 years as a small group of horticulture producers, their main products being tomatoes, green bell peppers, and onions.

The men and women from Eben-Ezer Community Bank have worked together in order to grow their harvest and sell it to neighboring communities. This is a crucial next step in their business growing model as a community bank. It also encourages neighboring community members to join forces and work for a common goal that provides employment and sustainability to families involved directly and indirectly.

Eben-Ezer Community Bank has set their eyesight in this expansion goal and they will be able to do it with your help. They are looking for their first Kiva loan to buy farming inputs and organic fertilizers to improve this harvest's quality and nutrients so as to have enough produce to sell.

The farming inputs will be used among all farming members that have yet to purchase their own. With this loan, you will be helping many to fish and keep doing so for years to come.

Here are some of the members of Eben-Ezer Community Bank.

This loan is special because:

It enables financial inclusion for rural communities through small community banks in Honduras

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details