A loan helped to buy free-range chickens, free-range hens, cracked corn, balanced feed, vitamins, and other supplies.

Mercy Geovanna's story

Mercy is 34 years old and a single mother. She lives with her three children and her parents in a house. Mercy's lack of income meant that she could only attend primary school and with her own effort, she managed to finished secondary school with distance education. Despite this, she has not been able to find a permanent job so she has been farming just like her parents. For 10 years, Mercy has been developing her business raising small animals such as chickens, guinea pigs, pigs, and agriculture, an activity that she continues to do with the same love that she had on the first day. She knows that with this she is able to maintain her home and provide a good future for her family.

Mercy is requesting a loan to be able to purchase free-range chickens, free-range hens, cracked corn, balanced feed, vitamins, and other supplies. In this way, she will be able to obtain the income she needs to support the daily living expenses of her children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emily Dungan.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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