A loan helped a member to buy drinks, bread, fruit, tinned food, meat, cleaning products, etc.

Mujeres Unidas De Santa Librada Group's story

This group is made up of friends and neighbours from the town of Encarnación. The members set themselves the twin goals of economic and personal growth. The group is in its third cycle of the women's committee programme, where everyone works hard to improve their lot in life.
Mirna Ramona, in particular, spares no effort on this path. She sells staple goods in a small shop where she works every day from early in the morning. She sells all kinds of products to her customers.
She never sits still and started from nothing. She has improved her situation little by little thanks to her hard work despite daily struggles. She wants to keep working to provide for her family.
She asks for the loan to buy more varied merchandise to sell: drinks, bread, fruit, tinned food, meat, cleaning products, etc.

In this group: Vilma Victoriana, Marisa Liliana, Karina Noemi, Maria Esther, Karina Yissele, Vicenta Epifania, Rosana Marilin, Maria Celeste, Liz Daihana, Carmen Malena, Veronica Ignacia, Nidia Natalia, Mirna Ramona, Liz Carolina, Baciliana Mabel, Alicia Mabel

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details