A loan helped a member to buy clothes, such as shirts, pants, blouses, among others.

San Cayetano Group's story

Each one of the members of this committee helps each other to move forward together and through this, they can provide a better quality of life for their families. They are helping each other, so that their loved ones do not lack anything.
One of them is Florinda, who makes a living selling clothes. She states that her business is simple, but it allows her to contribute with income for her home and family expenses.
She is a fighter who doesn’t let herself be defeated and who looks for a way to continue improving and keep supporting her home and her loved ones.
She is happy about the opportunity to be part of her group, because it represents a source of help for her and for her classmates.
She is asking for this loan to purchase a variety of items to sell, such as: garments, shirts, pants, blouses, among others.

In this group: Bruna, Carina Mabel, Mirna, Vidalina, Florinda, Panfila Silvana, Lidia Marciana, Sandra Soledad, Florinda, Graciela, Pablina Odila, Margarita, Gladis Mabel, Fatima, Laura Danice, Bernardina, Bienvenida, Lidia Esther, Leni Leticia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Janice Campbell.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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