A loan helped a member to buy more jewelry to resell.

Las Bugambilias Group's story

Thirty-five-year-old Sandy, a mother of two children who are 7 and 13 years of age, is married to a teacher. She has a high school teaching certificate and has a contract teaching in a rural elementary school.

Four years ago, she began selling catalog products. Last year, she added a business selling jewelry. She advertises on WhatsApp and also by word of mouth. Her goal is to graduate from a university and improve her businesses. She would use her fifth Kiva loan to buy more jewelry to resell.

Sandy is one of six women who live in the department/state of Quiche who participate in the Friendship Bridge “Microcredit Plus” program of loans, education and health care. Their Trust Bank is called “Bugambilias'', and Sandy was elected President of the group. Some of these women sell toys, purses, or backpacks, while others have the same businesses as Sandy.

At the monthly meetings, a facilitator designs an interactive educational training with topics drawn from four areas: family, women, health, business. Recent topics have centered around preventative health measures and women’s health. Every two months, they have access to basic health care services.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand to Sandy and her friends in the Trust Bank. With your help, they are opening the doors to a brighter and more successful future!

In this group: Julissa Myreni , Norma Elvira , Sandy Onelia, Gricelda Magaly, Lorena Idaly , Sandra Roselia

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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