A loan helped a member to buy materials like cloth, thread, needles, and others.

Virgen De Fatima Group's story

This committee is named Virgen de Fatima, created by women heads of household, who fight to be overcome and get ahead and be able to give their loved ones a better future than they had. They are also part of a poverty elimination program, where everyone is looking for a way to overcome her situation of poverty.
Among these women we mention and highlight Maura Adriana, who is a person actively working and striving for her loved ones, so that they want for nothing and do not experience privations. Her son is her motive to fight and she says that, with her husband, they do everything to educate him and move him forward. Maura Adriana describes herself as a fighter who, even with daily difficulties, doesn't stop achieving and works to overcome and move forward.
Maura Adriana makes a living creating and selling all types of artesian products that she makes herself and later sells, and she says that she has an established client base.
Maura Adriana asks for this loan to buy materials like cloth, thread, needles, and others.
Note: The child in the photo is the son of one of the members of the group that signs for this loan.

In this group: Maura Adriana, Sandra Maria, Maria Elizabeth, Sonia Ramona, Blanca Graciela, Irene Esthela, Maria Magdalena, Gimena Maria, Jazmin Fabiola, Maria Carolina, Rosa Mabel, Maria Doralis, Aida Mirna, Maria Lorena, Pablina Liliana, Marta Graciela, Carolina Inocente, Catalina, Fatima Jazmin Araceli, Blanca Concepcion, Rosana, Laura Carolina, Angelina, Lourdes Liliana, Maria Belen

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emmy Soyka.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details