A loan helped a member to buy raw material in order to continue sewing.

Trabajadoras De Chacap Group's story

Gabriela, age 38, is a courageous woman who, ever since she was a girl, faced challenges in life. When she was seven years old she and her siblings were orphaned by their mother. They only attended some grades of elementary school.

She is now a wife and mother of four children (from 9-17 years old). As she wants to see a different future for her children, three of them are attending elementary school. For three years she has devoted herself to making traditional blouses and aprons.

As the demand is high, her oldest daughter helps her by delivering the orders on time. With the second Kiva loan Gabriela will be able to buy fabric, lace, cones of thread, and needles in order to continue making more clothes.

Seven Maya K'iche' woman have united in order to participate in the program about loans, education, and medical attention services "Microcrédito Plus" of Puente de Amistad. Gabriela is the president of the Trajajadoras De Chacap Communal bank in the department/state of Sololá. These women are visionaries. They have business like being seamstresses, selling fruit, and raising livestock.

In the monthly meetings these women learn about themes that are relevant to health, family, women, and businesses. Every two months a nurse from the countryside visits with each one of them and offers consults, exams, and other services. Gabriela says, "I like the trainings because they help use get ideas and better administer our businesses. It is important to know how to invest and get earnings.

Thank you Kiva lenders!

In this group: Herlinda , Maria Dominga , Clara Josefina , Grabiela , Loida Elizabeth , Sara Leslie , Elisia Felipa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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