A loan helped to buy sugar, oil, beans, rice, coffee, and snacks, among other products, in order to continue selling.

María Yanira's story

María atended school through the sixth grade. She is currently single and has a daughter who is in school.

María has a great deal of experience making quesadillas, a job she learned from her ex-mother-in-law. In addition, six months ago she opened a store selling staple goods and snacks. She is also an employee in an eatery.

She needs a loan to buy sugar, oil, beans, rice, coffee, and snacks, among other products, in order to continue selling. María's dream is that her daughter attend university and become a good person in society.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers and other vulnerable women.

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