A loan helped our business bring the first birth center to the area and increase access to midwifery services.

Erica's story

I was 20 years old when I had our first son and that experience has shaped who I am and my passion for birth work in so many ways. After giving birth and navigating postpartum I knew deep down that things need to change. Families deserve to be more educated and empowered in their experience. I dug into any book I could get my hands on to learn about the history of childbirth. Our second son was born in 2010 and we had a wonderful doula at his birth. A few months later I completed my doula training and started my journey on supporting other women and couples.
I went on to chiropractic school and dedicated much of my continuing education even while in school to learning how to support the core and pelvic floor in pregnant and postpartum women.
In 2019 I went back to school for midwifery. My experience as a chiropractor will always be an integral part of my practice but midwifery is my calling.
My husband and I have been in practice together as chiropractors for a decade this year and I am so excited to expand our practice to offer community based midwifery services to our local community.
It lights me up to think of the connection and support a birth center will bring to our area. We were meant to be in community with one another and especially postpartum, we need a strong foundation to lean on for support.
I look forward to serving from a place of deep understanding and am humbled by those who have and will trust me with such an intimate experience.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Coulee Health Birth Collective LLC.

Industry: Health
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: couleehealth.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details