A loan helped a member to increase her merchandise and be able to offer her customers a variety of products.

Emprendedores De Sirena Group's story

The group “Entrepreneurs of Sirena”, made up of nine members, is in its first loan cycle. Due to the pandemic, only the members of the Board of Directors (the President, Treasurer and Secretary) are pictured in the photograph. They are happy to be part of a team that is working for a better future.

María is 43 years old and has two children, who are her driving force and her reason to continue forging ahead. She considers herself a responsible and hardworking woman. She has had her business selling groceries for 10 years.

As such, her main goal is to become a wholesaler. At the same time, María dreams of expanding as a trader. Besides this business, her other source of income is from agriculture.

María will use the Kiva loan to expand her merchandise so as to be able to offer her customers a variety of products; and with the extra profit, she will save and further increase her stock.

In this group: Maria , Yack Jordy , Teofila , Guisela , Teofila , Olimpia , Aydee , Richard , Lizbeth Fiorella

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Vicki Crook.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details