A loan helped a member to buy solar powered irrigation pump.

Dzakwaye Group's story

Cryton is a 45-year-old man, married with four children aged 18, 14, 11 and 6 years. He relies on maize and tomato farming as his main source of income.

Cryton has been in this business for 19 years but his business is being challenged by climate change, thieves within his community and the rising of fertilizer prices on the market. Because of these challenges, his yields are generally low and not enough to bring his family income for basic household needs.

Cryton is a beneficiary of the FIFAD program and leader in his group known as the Dzakwaye group. He plans to buy a solar-powered surface irrigation pump that will help him to extend the area of irrigation and cultivate more than three times a year. The new loan will also help him cut costs on buying fuel since he will be using a solar-powered pump as a result he will have more money for fertilizer and chemicals to manage his crops in the field. In the picture, he is standing second from the right with her hand raised.

Cryton’s main dream is to provide education for his children so that they can be leaders one day in his community serving the Government. This will only be possible if he increases his income through farming. By increasing his income, his family will generally improve their living standards including having enough money for fees.

In the group: Christina, Lucia, Cryton, Innocent, Yohane, Chikumbutso, Pilirani, Wickford, Joice, Memory

In this group: Christina, Lucia , Cryton, Geleshan, Memory, Haward, Yohane, Joice , Chikumbutso, Pilirani, Innocent, Kelias, Triphonia, Wickford

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Malawi.

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