A loan helped to pay for personal medical clinic expenses, so this member of the vulnerable Roma community can recover his health.

Olsi's story

Meet Olsi, an esteemed 47-year-old member of the vulnerable Roma community, who is seeking support from Kiva lenders for the second time. Olsi's utmost priority is to regain his health, and he requires financial assistance to cover personal medical clinic expenses.

As a proud father, Olsi is married and cares deeply for his three children, aged 19, 17, and 11 years old. His family is his source of strength and motivation to seek the necessary medical care for his well-being.

Olsi expresses his sincere gratitude to all the generous lenders in advance for their unwavering support and trust.

This loan is special because:

It helps heavily marginalized Roma and Egyptian populations create better lives for their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details