A loan helped a member to buy 200 bags of hay and 4500 tons of peanuts.

10_ Yeumbeul Asecna Group's story

This banc villageois was set up in December 2016. It is made up of supportive women who engage in small trade.

Mrs. Mame Diarra is married. She is 40 years old and the mother of three children. She has been selling peanuts and hay from her home for three years. With her loan, she plans to buy 200 bags of hay and 4500 tons of peanuts to resell.

With her profits, she plans to build her house.

In this group: Mame Diarra , Khady, Ndeye Atta , Aissata

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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