A loan helped to acquire certified seeds and high-nutrient fertilizers.

Agnes's story

Agnes, a dedicated married smallholder farmer in the heart of Matuu, embodies the essence of perseverance and agricultural innovation.

For years, Agnes has toiled on her land, cultivating not just crops but also a vision for a better life. Her commitment to her family's well-being and her community's progress is truly inspiring.

Now, Agnes stands at a pivotal moment in her journey. The key to unlocking her dreams lies in acquiring certified seeds and high-nutrient fertilizers. These quality farm inputs are the foundation for her aspirations of bountiful harvests and improved livelihoods.

Agnes' experience and determination make her a deserving candidate for your support. By extending her a loan, you're not just helping a farmer; you're fostering growth and positive change.

Your investment in Agnes is an investment in the future of Matuu.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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