Luis L. G. is 28 years old. He is single and lives with his parents in Chillanes canton, in Bolívar province.
Luis is a member of the 'Unidos Somos Más' (United We Are Stronger) rural loan group. This new loan group is located in Matilde Esther, in Guayas province, 2 hours from our Chillanes office, in Bolívar province. The group has 23 members who work in a number of different business activities such as farming, livestock raising and running small restaurants and eateries.
Luis started his business growing cacao one and a half years ago. He buys and sells his products in Matilde Esther. He is requesting this loan so that he can continue planting cacao and so that he can start planting cassava too. He would like to use this loan to improve his service. His goals for the future are to own his own home, a farm and a car. The challenge that he faces in his business is the winter season when he can't harvest. In his spare time he likes to play indoor soccer, listen to music and relax.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.