A loan helped to buy inventory for a convenience store.

Teresa's story

The women of rural areas of Guatemala fight to triumph despite social exclusion. In various communities, there is a lack of access to health services, financial resources, and educational opportunities. Despite these limitations, there are women like Teresa, 58, who have decided to get ahead. She is mother to four chidlren between the ages of 28 and 40. Her parents couldn't pay for her studies so she only advanced to the fourth grade.

Teresa was part of a community bank for many cycles and thanks to those funds has been able to maintain her farming and also open and maintain a convenience store. Currently, Teresa's store needs more capital to grow. For this reason she has decided to partake in the new program named "Puente al Éxito" (bridge to success). This program offers individual loans and one-to-one business advice so that these microentrepreneurial woman can grow their businesses. Through the Kiva and Puente de Amistad alliance, Teresa is requesting a loan from the Kiva lenders. She plans to invest the loan in the purchase of inventory for her store and with it be able to supply the needs that her customers demand.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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