A loan helped to pay for credit refill cards.

Melanie's story

Single and a mother to a two-year-old child, 25-year-old Melanie lives no more than five minutes from town. In order to bring in a little income for her and her child, she sells refill cards to her neighbors and friends.

Melanie recently started her business in order to provide for her child. She would like to build a home for her and her baby and later on expand into another business but knows that in order to do that she must make more in the business she is currently running.

Due to an increase in prices for store bought goods, she is requesting a loan to pay for credit refill cards for her to sell to her customers. All income generated from her business will be put into taking care of her child, household necessities and savings for future plans she might have.

Through this loan, Melanie is encouraged to be a better business woman and mother. Thank you for supporting Melanie!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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