A loan helped to buy USB cables, speakers, headphones, cases, chargers, etc. to sell.

Patricia Dolores's story

Patricia Dolores and her family live in Picoazá, known for its commerce, religious festivals, and products such as vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits. It is a source of progress and the primary hub of the informal economy in Manabí.

Patricia and her husband work selling a variety of products for cellphones. They travel through various areas of the city to sell. They also sell from home on the weekends, and travel to other towns to sell.

They leave their products on credit and collect payments weekly. This loan is to buy USB cables, speakers, headphones, cases, chargers, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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