A loan helped a member to buy meats, soft drinks, and juices, and to make a small renovation.

Providencia Group's story

EDILLAN, first in the photo from right to left, is married and has a daughter.

He had a dream of having his own business–he had always wanted to open a grill, as he wanted to provide a good quality of life for his family. While working as a motorcycle delivery person, he invested in opening his grill until, with a lot of struggle and dedication, he succeeded.

He currently works as a motorcycle delivery person during the day and runs his grill at night. He has a dream of being able to grow his business and plans to invest in the purchase of meat, soft drinks, juices, and in making a small renovation.

The group thanks their investors for this opportunity.

In this group: Juliana, William, Thamires, Martinho, Edillan

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Patricia Patton.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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