A loan helped to pay entrance fees for his son's second semester at the university.

Jairo Enrique's story

Jairo Enrique J. S. continues making clothes in his shop in the city of Barranquilla. December and January are the high season because he starts to make school uniforms. He makes the uniforms for various schools in the city that start at the beginning of February. He recently received a proposal to make the costumes for two groups who will parade in the next carnivals in Barranquilla. The folkloric fiesta is the most important one in Colombia, and he is studying the offer.

This is his seventh loan with the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. He plans to use the loan for the entrance fees for his son’s second semester in the university. He decided to ask for the loan so that he would not take money out of his business. His previous loan was also to pay for his son’s college education, and that payment was made very punctually.

Jairo sends very special greetings to all of the Kiva lenders. He wishes them much health and prosperity as they are surrounded by their families. He thanks them for the philanthropy of helping people who have scarce resources.

To learn about the previous loan given to this small businessman, click on the following link: http://www.kiva.org/lend/214472

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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