A loan helped to insulate his house in order to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Temirlan's story

Temirlan sends a greeting from Kyrgyzstan. He thanks Kiva lenders for the financial support. He is married and has children. To provide the primary income for her family, he works as a shift worker at the Tonsk power station. He tries to use his savings to improve his living conditions. He and his wife try with all their might to provide a beautiful and comfortable life for their children. Temirlan requested a loan in the amount of 200,000 som (KGS) from the Bai Tushum bank to insulate his house in order to prepare for the upcoming winter. This loan will help to improve his family's living conditions and create a comfortable life for his children.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

Loan details

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Loan details