Maria Luisa is 61 years old, single, and lives in her own home. She has a store where she sells basic necessity products and has the help of her son. Maria Luisa is doing very well in her business and is able to generate income to cover her household responsibilities. However, she wants to strengthen her business, so she is requesting a loan to buy a variety of products to restock her business and improve her earnings.
Maria Luisa dreams of having a prosperous and stable business so that she can have better living conditions. She is a member of the solidarity group “El Milagro” along with Erlinda, Jacint, and Tatiana. They are responsible people who seek to get ahead.
In this group: Erlinda Nuria, Jacint Alfonso, Tatiana Sugey, Maria Luisa
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.