A loan helped a member to buy raw materials to make groceries and various drinks.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

All the members of this committee have their own businesses through which they generate the income to cover their house needs and to ensure that their loved ones have everything they need. The woman are helping themselves in every way they can and it's because of this that they are also a part of the program to eliminate poverty.

Among these women, is one Maria Emilia. She sells groceries that she makes and sells herself in addition to running a business in selling drinks of all kinds. She mentions that her business is improving little by little with her effort and because of this, she is able to help sustain her house and her family.

Maria Emilia is an active woman and defines herself as a hard-working person who, despite the daily obstacles, doesn't let them overcome her. She makes a great effort to continue moving forward.

She is asking for this loan to buy raw materials to make her groceries as well as various drinks to sell.

Obs: the kids in the photo are the children of the group's members who sign this loan.

In this group: Zulma, Norma Elizabeth, Lidia Adriana, Mirta Clara, Gertrudis, Diamela Arami, Deisy Paola, Lahisa Yaneth, Mirian Celeste, Maria Jazmin, Olivia Rocio, Adelina De Jesus, Maria Emilia, Dora Soledad, Lilian Patricia, Cristina Mabel, Miriam Celeste, Ignacia Maxima, Yennifer Vianca, Catalina, Lucila, Liduvina, Fidelina, Maria Victoria, Laura, Lucia Monserrat

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nicole Allen.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

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